Sporadic E season started

Around half may the Sporadic E season starts. That brings a few good things for the summer months. The first one is that the 6 and 4 meter bands open. I don’t have a 4 meter transceiver but am able to transmit on the 6 meter band.

The only problem for me is that it’s not allowed for my license class in the Netherlands. The good thing is that I’m visiting Belgium (Antwerp, JO21EE).quite often so I took a saw and a 11 meter dipole and there was the dipole for the 6 meter band. Hanging on the loft under the roof – yes, indoor – I was able to make some QSO’s.

This is the first year I actually listen on 6 meters and now I know why they call it the magic band. I’ve made several QSO’s during the peak of Sporadic E with countries in Europe and noticed some hams where able to make intercontinental QSO’s with the States. Nice! I hoop to get my full-licence this year and since we will move to a new home I have to rebuild antenna’s. Let’s get ready for the 6 meter openings in 2013.

Another nice thing is that the 10 meter band opens to with sporadic E. Not for DX, but for local QSO’s thru out Europe. And i’m still missing some countries over here. With some wires attached to the dipole I just cut for the 6 meter band, I was able to work Guernsey, Corsica (in FM), and Scotland. DXCC’s where my signal normally hops over. Let’s work some more local DXCC’s on 10 meter (and 6 when I’m in Belgium).


    • lz2ilr ed on 04/05/2013 at 16:08
    • Reply

    6m is in early this year, im getting qso under 5w with handheld antennas.
    i would really like to see more use on 50.4 AM because my vx7r is ready in the pocket. i use a tiny loop for 6m its about the size of a large hand.
    im starting to monitor 50.4 AM so give it a blast.

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