Icom IC-9700 and WSJT-X

The problem with new transceivers is the lack of support for drivers in programs like Ham Radio Deluxe, WSJT-X (OmniRig), N1MM+ and MicroHam drivers. Just to name some programs I juse often. After playing around I found a way using the IC-9700 with WSJT-X by emulating an IC-7300 wich has about the same architecture.

My IC-9700 settings:
MENU -> SET -> Connectors -> CI-V
CI-V Baud Rate: 19200
CI-V Address: 94h
CI-V Transceive: ON
CI-V USB Port: Link to [REMOTE]

When starting to make a QSO, check your audio level. Use the Meter section and be sure the ALC does not more more than 1, 2 or 3 blocks. If you’re running to much audio, the ALC will kick in, crating harmonics, splatter, etc. I’m sure people will just ignore your CQ, if they are able to make a decode anyway. Use the slider on the bottom right. In my case it’s set to about -25 dB.
For receiving: Use AGC slow and change ‘6 sec’ to ‘off’. This is by far the best setting to receive digital signals (also on the IC-7300) in crowded bands and it avoids strong signals (or people disrespecting the ALC setting, we call them egoists) wiping weak signals away.

The ALC should (almost) NOT come out of the (left) corner. Don’t mind the low power setting. My 500W SSPA requires only 4 Watts of input.


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    • ON4BCV on 05/04/2019 at 21:18
    • Reply

    Thank you !! best 73s ON4BCV

    • Roeland on 17/04/2019 at 12:43
    • Reply

    note that the hamlib v4.x revision of 12 apr or so contains the basics for the 9700.
    Mike Black a fellow ham and I have been interacting to get it in.

    • Gavin on 27/04/2019 at 16:28
    • Reply

    You refer to 6 seconds, but as a WSJT newbie am not sure where this is?


      • Roeland Jansen on 28/04/2019 at 11:13
      • Reply

      push function button;
      select AGC on screen for a few seconds
      set the desired time with the main dial
      push exit button

  1. IC-9700 wsjt-x first 2 meter FT8 QSO via USB cable

      • Roeland Jansen on 04/05/2019 at 10:47
      • Reply

      I’ve done several ft8’s on 2m as well as around 20-0 spots (just a test) for wspr, duty cycles between 10…25% and 10/50/100W

      all went without noticeable issues.

    • Oreste on 16/05/2019 at 00:11
    • Reply

    I set all the parameters as described, when you go to TX it does not demodulate the FT8 signal but comes out of the background noise of the microphone.
    What other parameter should I change to work properly?
    thank you

      • Roeland Jansen on 16/05/2019 at 10:00
      • Reply

      if the 9700 goes in TX and uses the mike, you haven’t chosen USB data as the mode to TX I guess. Also, note that the input of USB-D should be USB.

      You can use the ‘tune’ button from wsjtx and see (moni or the audio scope) if it outputs a tone.

    • Daniel on 16/06/2019 at 05:31
    • Reply

    Yes, all the info you show works, just hooked mine up and works great on 2 meters. Thanks for the information.

    • Peter on 31/07/2019 at 15:47
    • Reply

    Would like to use the 9700 with WSJT 10 for JT65 EME on 432.
    Will that work with the USB settings as shown here above?
    And is there a way to delay TX more than 30 msec? 30 msec is a way to short to give the coax relais a chance to survive… Including the preamps too.
    Not in a hurry, waiting for the 10 MHz lock board from VK1XX. That will make the rig useable for UHF EME.
    Apart from the messages shown here it is okay to e-mail direct to peter@pa2v.com
    73, Peter PA2V

      • Roeland Jansen on 31/07/2019 at 19:02
      • Reply

      Not sure what wsjt s/w you use — the 9700 is native there for quite some time.

      The usb settings are straight forward except for that you should select the 9700 and keep the CIV address default.

      Regarding the locking board — I have good results without it, using an external ref. This inclused 23cm, wspr.
      No idea if that’s enough for EME.

    • Roeland on 12/11/2019 at 15:54
    • Reply

    the setting of AGC ‘OFF” is questionable by the way.

    I use the AGC fast setting and put it to 0.1 seconds instead; it keeps the RX dynamics. Else you would constantly need to play with rf gain/att.

    • bryan watson on 23/04/2022 at 07:05
    • Reply

    Newbie Bryan ,
    Thanks for the hints but how do I adjust the ALC please .
    using new ic9700 on WSJTX Q65

    • Ken on 04/12/2022 at 18:55
    • Reply

    Cant get audio from pc to 9700 only option in settings window is microphone?

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